
I started designing Business Packages, flyers, and whatever else was needed for associates, friends and family when I lived at Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri more than 15 years ago. I returned to College in the Fall of 2008 to update my Web 2.0 Skills so that I could venture beyond print media in my creations.

I post on Las Vegas Happenings; specifically the Fremont East District, culture and service projects in the Las Vegas Valley that you can participate in also.

Let me know what I can do for You!
Google AdSense For Dummies
I Love the For Dummies Series!
“I first met Ms. Ackroyd as a student in the CIT 198 Dynamic Web Applications course that I was teaching. She was a dedicated and hard working student, always prepared for class, always turning in homework on time, and always doing well on projects, tests and exams. She earned an unheard of 99% average. That class required researching and utilizing a variety of internet applications such as wikis, blogs, social bookmarking, RSS and so forth. Kathleen mastered these and applied them in imaginative and productive ways – producing some of the best lab work that I’ve seen in the two years I’ve taught that class.”
~ Professor Judy Fightmaster, College of Southern Nevada ~

That Dam Kat requires half of the Design fee up front with the residual due upon completion. The 90 Days support included for navigation through Google Apps begins on the date of sign off on your mockup. At the end of the 90 days, you will be able to post your own content and navigate your site. You will receive all passwords and I will remove myself as administrator from your site. Maintenance and content update is available for $30.00 per hour.

Are you a That Dam Kat Client and Need Tech Support?
Email me: and include: the url of the page and a description of the problem. A screenshot always helps. : D